New Plein Air: Loeb Boathouse

Loeb Boathouse, 2011, oil on linen, 8 x 11 inches
This is my latest shot at plein air in Central Park. I went out to paint last Tuesday hoping to enjoy the last few warm days of fall, and I must say for the most part it was beautiful warm day, that's until it got cold in the split of a second towards late afternoon. I'm not sure how many more times I'll be able to paint out doors, cold weather is coming and it makes me run and hide under multiple blankets. There's a big part of me that would love to paint out doors during the winter, trying to catch the cool light sounds fun, but I'm not a winter kind of guy, and the thought of painting with gloves, scarf, a coat, and multiple layers doesn't sound fun. At the moment I'm just playing it by ear, let's see how far I can take this.


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