Window Air

Winter Morning, Connecticut, 2012, oil on linen, 9 x 12 inches 
Not quite plein air, not quite studio paintings, these babies were executed looking out of the windows of my parents' home in CT. Window Air, that's what I'm calling them, haven't you heard? It's the newest art movement sweeping the land, tell your friend, call your mom, scream it at loud, it's here, it's queer....alright I may have gotten a little carried away!
Early Afternoon, Winter, 2012, oil on linen, 12 x 9 inches
All jokes aside, I was not planning on doing any painting at my parents' during Christmas break, but sometimes impulse takes over and I have no other choice but to give in. Out came the brushes and the paint box and before I could brush my teeth, or shower even, I sat in front of the window of my old room and began working on the cloudy sky above. As the warm blooded latin man that I am I hate being exposed to the cold, after twenty two years of living in New England I still can't get used the winters here! Sometimes I wish I could hop in a plane headed for Miami and never come back. I've learned  how to deal with it though, and while painting these sketches I managed to stay nice and cozy. I just came to realize that the two windows I chose to paint out from had heat radiators right under them, go figure! I do try to push myself as much as I can, and this winter I'm hoping to do some actual winter plein air painting. Actually I have a trip to Colorado planned at the end of January where I will be painting the beautiful sites of wintery Durango. Wish me luck and pray I don't turn into a big icicle...more to come.


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