Images from Saturday's Workshop

Last Saturday I taught a workshop at Kremer Pigments titled In Pursuit of Nature: Landscape Painting and the Traditional Palette.  The focus of the workshop was to expose students to the process of oil paint making and using a limited color palette to mix the necessary colors for a landscape painting.  An overview of different oil types and their purpose was discussed along with painting demos on technique.  It was a fun class to teach and I'm looking forward to more in the future.    
 Yellow Ochre being mixed into a paste before mulling.

Yellow Ochre after mulling.
 Red Ochre in the process of being mulled.

 Ivory Black being mixed into a paste before mulling.

 Limited color palette freshly made and ready to go.

 Students begin to use the oil paint they made. 

 A demo on how to make a painting putty using egg, chalk, and stand oil. 


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