Painting Progress, Pass No. 4
Work on this painting continues, there is not much to be said about this stage only that I keep moving forward finding the right color and atmosphere for this landscape. I have been asking myself as I paint, where is this place? Where is this path leading to and who is walking there? Is it me, or will a figure make an appearance?
I have been thinking of perhaps including a runner seen from behind running through this landscape, but as think about it maybe that might be a little cheesy. So I dropped the idea. As I continue painting I scrutinize all the elements of it, mostly the composition. As it stands the painting has a good start but something is missing and I’m not sure what.
As I figure things out I keep building the paint, adjusting colors, shapes, and having fun while pushing color around. It’s been a long time since I’ve worked on a painting, especially one larger than 11 x 15 inches. This current linen canvas is 16 x 28 inches, not my biggest painting to date, but it is more narrow than what I’m used to. Also this will be my first large oil painting from imagination, so the pressure is on not to mess up and waste a beautiful piece of linen. Recently I had to cover up an old unfinished painting because I didn’t think there was any hope for it. Seeing so many hours of work gone just like that hurts, but in the end I don’t want any bad work of mine floating around, so you either cover or tear it up.
Working with Rublev oil colors has been an amazing change. The paint is ropier and leaves beautiful brush strokes when I lay it down. I don’t have to try hard to get this surface, the paint is doing it all on its own and I’m more than happy with it. Come back soon and see the next stage of this painting.