Working on...

The unbelievable summer heat we've had in the North East has finally passed, or so it seems for the moment. It's the middle of August and summer is coming to an end; it has been a fast one, and I wish I could say it's been a fun one too. Many things I had to take care of got in the way of summer loving and sumer blasts. With all that behind I resume work in the studio, picking up unfinished pieces from the floor on to the easel.
I am forcing myself to finish this painting first. I think I've dragged it out long enough. I've been painting on panel and very smooth linen, and going back to cotton canvas is a little strange. The surface is a bit rougher, and I have to layer more to get the effects I want. Been doing more glazing, using Indian Yellow and Alizarin Orange has helped punch up the intensity of my colors. The onions in this painting seem like paper cut outs, I know, but this is only my second pass on them. They will be more integrated to the painting tonight.
I have been having fun working on this painting of Astoria rooftops. Using a nicer smoother linen than usual, and also using Galkyd lite. I'm not a big fan of Gamblin's products, but after being turned into Galkyd in Bennett's workshop I got to see how useful this medium can be when painting outdoors, or when fast results are needed. Not my favorite medium but it does the trick so far. More to come soon.


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