Workshop Magazine

The fall 2010 issue of Workshop Magazine, published by American Artist, is out on news stands. This may not be big news to anyone, but this specific issue came as good news to me. Workshop Magazine covered the Central Park plein air workshop I participated in back in June 5th of this year. The article focuses on Bennett's approach to landscape painting, and has some shots of him with the different workshop participants. As I painted I could hear the camera snap behind me, and all I could think of was "please make me look good, please, please!"
And so, my face, well the back of my head to be exact, has made it to page 23 of the issue mentioned above. Although my name was not printed bellow my photo, I'm still very excited to have made it in. There was a cool shot of my hand working on my thumbnail sketches in my moleskine that never made it to the final copy of the magazine, but I did get to see it during the preliminary stages of page layouts for the article. As I had mentioned in June, this painting method required four steps; the thumbnail studies, drawing the final composition on to the painting surface, applying transparent washes of color on top of the drawing, and finishing with thicker layers of paint. In the photo above, I'm on stage three of the process. Bellow you can see the final result.
Central Park North, 2010, oil on canvas, 8 x 10 inches


arianna said…
OMG Luis, I'm so proud of you!!!! That is so exciting. And - of course - it IS a good shot of you. ;)

Albert. S said…
lol......sweet man. I have that copy didn't know it was you until I came upon this site. Nice........and very cool blog.
Luis Colan said…
yup my little moment of fame lol thanks for following this blog :)

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