A Nice Day in the Studio

The sun was out and light filled my studio. This always puts me in a good mood, I love bright days, bright rooms, and sunlight reflections. Daylight is the best to paint in, colors are more true and it's better for your eyes.
I'm trying to finish this still life I started early in 2009. The towel is looking good so far and I have about half of it done.
I've added the reflection of the towel on the pan, was a little hard to do at first but once I thought about it in a more abstract way it got easier.
I have to keep my colors clean, reason why I'm using a different brush for the four stripe colors of the towel.
Freshly squeezed paint on my palette, while the sun lights it up. Recently I changed the set up of my studio. I decided that I'm happier painting on a wall as opposed to an easel. It allows me to move freely and act quicker when making decision or reaching for materials around the room.
The new set up has allowed the room to become bigger and brighter. I used to have a large black work table in the middle of the room and it sucked the life out of the studio. Now this table is against a wall and it doesn't seem as intrusive as before.
More sunlight coming into the room as I worked. I love how it hits my pigment jars!


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