Painting in Hartford

Hyland Park, 2011, oil on linen, 10 x 8 inches
This is the third painting I completed while visiting my family during Mermorial Day weekend, and it happens to be of a little park half a block away from my parent's home. This was a late afternoon painting, and as you can see the sunlight coming through the trees was spectacular. That's one of the things I miss most about living in Connecticut, sunset colors are so intense and beautiful, from the back of my parent's house you can see the orange, blue, and alizarin sky as the sun goes down, turning all the trees into a deep green and everything seems to glow. So far I started out this summer on the right foot, I'm getting more time off, I'm painting outdoors more, and it finally seems like I'm enjoying life...after all, this is the summer of fun! More plein air landscapes to come.