When Life Gives You Lemons...
When life gives you lemons you paint them! At least that's in my case since I make my lemonade from the Crystal Light packs. I was at the grocery store the other night and saw all the lemons piled high and they all looked so beautiful. I've been wanting to paint a lemon for a while but never gave myself the chance to do it because I can't seem to get the values right. I just see a big yellow lump and it's very difficult for me to translate what I see onto my painting support. Well, I gave it a try and I guess I'll hear from the rest of you letting me know whether if it worked or not.
Quin, hey man, thanks for dropping by. Looked at you site and I really like your work. It has that flat modern touch I would like to do.
I am scrolling around and thought I'd catch myself up on your blog. It looks great.
Be well.
Bye -
Robert Bullock
Take care